Monday, March 23, 2015

Tattoo Update

On April 6th, I will get my first tattoo. Over the years, I've been intrigued by tattoos, and even open to them. I just never felt connected to a particular image or symbol that I wanted on my body for the rest of my life. 

Now, I find myself in a position where a tattoo is not only a statement, but a reclaiming, a redefining and a healing of my body and my soul. 

A lot of women (but definitely not all) who have had a mastectomy undergo reconstruction. And one of the things that we have to face is the nipple situation. A reconstructed breast doesn't have a nipple. This is added later, either created by a plastic surgeon or a tattoo artist. There are 3-D nipple tattoos that look quite natural and are very popular. 

For me though, there are a few things going on. First, I have one natural breast and nipple and one reconstructed breast (no nipple). So, it would be challenging to create a symmetrical nipple that has the matching skin tone to my real nipple. But to be honest, I never even got that far. Because I don't feel like my reconstructed breast is a breast at all.

In my mind, I definitely do not need a nipple. It's been almost two years since my mastectomy and reconstruction, and I'm just barely getting reconnected to this part of my body. I'm not sure whether this will ever feel like a breast to me. (So, hint: no nipple tattoo for me.)

My tattoo artist is Kristy Quinones at Black and Blue Tattoo in San Francisco. She is working with my inspirations to create the perfect design for me. The artistic elements are particular to my breast cancer experience, and at the same time transcend that journey and speak to my life as a whole. I can hardly wait. 

* Photo Credits: all photos are from ink Pinterest boards

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