Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Inspire me.

How can I inspire you? I'm not that woman wearing pink. I'm not that woman walking a 5k. I'm not that woman with a survivor t shirt. I'm not always positive and full of hope. I'm not always grateful for every day I'm alive. I'm not living in fear of death. Sometimes I'm defiant. Sometimes I'm angry. Really pissed. Sometimes I feel like shit. Sometimes I'm not willing to take any more chemicals into my body. Sometimes I'm not willing to do whatever it takes at any cost. At any cost. Sometimes I'm reaching out for help. Help to stay whole. Help to raise money in hopes I can continue alternative treatment. Sometimes I'm just a regular human. How does that inspire you?

1 comment:

  1. It's honest! and that inspires me! Thanks for letting yourself be vulnerable and putting yourself out there, not just with what you wrote here on this day, but with your art and your book! Very courageous indeed :)
